viernes, 22 de julio de 2022

Dream about a couple of cardinals -- June 22, 2021

June 22, 2021

I am in my apartment, in the doorway of the bathroom attached to the kitchen/laundry room. From there I can look out the window of the laundry room and see a male cardinal. I can't tell how I know it's a male, I guess I think so because it's a bit scruffy in its plumage and a bit robust. He wants to come into the house. In the bathroom there is an electric water heater installed high up on the wall, and on top of it is a female cardinal. I know it is a female because she is delicate, smaller, and her plumage is perfectly tidy. The female cardinal perches on my left shoulder, as if consulting me for the arrival of the male cardinal. I consult with my dad about what to do and he replies from the living room that he is confident in the decision I will make. So I ask my dad to bring me a nest, to place on top of the water heater, for this pair of cardinals.

July 19, 2022
Interpretation of the dream:::
By Sister Victoria Ang

The Lord is coming for a spotless bride. Those that have made the decision to walk in the ways of the Lord, following Him.

Things are about to heat up (become worse) in this world.

The Lord is taking many of His chosen to a higher level in their walk with Him.

And will be kept safe from harm as they rest in, and with the Lord.

Dear brethren, how wonderful is our King Yahshua!!! Glory and praise be to Him and to our Abba Father YaHWeH Tzevaot!!!

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