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Photo by Matrimonios Aprobados por Dios |
To understand the difference that a correct understanding of biblical principles makes in marriage we will be using some illustrations from practical life.
The first illustration we will use is that of the car.
True marriage can be compared to the purchase of a vehicle. Let us imagine that during our lifetime we were entitled to buy only one car. Would this condition make a difference in that purchase and in the treatment we will give to that vehicle?
We all know how useful a car is in this day and age. Owning a car makes the difference between a successful life and a very complicated one in many countries of today's world.
When God said "it is not good that man should be alone" he was providing a vehicle of happiness and success to the newly created human being. Rightly understood throughout the Bible marriage was conditioned with a universal restrictive clause: We are only entitled to one partner as long as both spouses live. Of that we have given sufficient evidence in the previous topics. We will now focus on the practical benefits that understanding that principle provides.
This vehicle is marriage, the union of a man and a woman who voluntarily decided to leave their parents and unite their lives. They themselves form this vehicle. It is a real fact. This car will be physically existing until one of them dies. That is a divine law and no one can change it for God is sovereign (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6).
The acquisition of this vehicle is the task of two human beings endowed by God with their own will and capacity of choice.
To better understand the “purchase of a successful marriage,” let us think how careful we would be when buying if in this world during our entire life we had the right to acquire only one car. There is no doubt that we would spend hours and hours thinking about which one would be the best, its features, the advantages and disadvantages that each brand offers us. We would do all kinds of research and analysis because once chosen that car will be the only one we will be able to drive for a lifetime. If we take this task seriously there is no doubt that we would become experts, maybe we would even study a course of automotive mechanics to know which one would suit us better and how we could take care of it so that it lasts a lifetime.
It is the same when we talk about marriage. If we understand that marriage is a covenant until death, we will not take it lightly. We will take the necessary time to establish it. And first of all we will look at its maker, which is God. God has set the rules. He has an instruction manual which is contained in the Holy Bible. The bride and groom should not be governed by their emotions and feelings. They must go to the Word of God in a serious and dedicated manner to know the rules to follow. The Bible is the manufacturer's manual. If they allow themselves to be guided by the parameters of the world, their marriage is doomed to failure.
In the Bible study that we recommend there is a good synthesis on the principles of biblical marriage:
[Translator's note: See the study translated into English here: https://elcanticodelos144000.blogspot.com/2021/06/a-biblical-study-on-marriage-divorce.html]
Let us remember that once the purchase has been made, there is no right of exchange or return. We will have to learn how to repair that vehicle if we want it to continue to serve us. The only other option will be to continue on foot. We cannot buy another one. We must take care of the one we have already purchased until our death or that of our spouse (Luke 16:18; Mark 10:12; Matthew 5:32 and 19:9; Romans 7:2-3; 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11).
There are those who did not do their homework to establish a good marriage. They fell in love only by sight, by emotions and feelings but not by principles. That is why very soon in married life they discover that what they thought was a Mercedes Benz turned out to be a very poor quality piece of junk. The rules are set, and even that piece of junk car should serve you for the rest of your life. Maybe you could turn it into a very efficient car with dedication and hard work. But that's the one you chose. That's what being a Christian is all about: Following Christ's principles and He was clear on these issues.
Originally published on February 01, 2018 by:
Let us remember that once the purchase has been made, there is no right of exchange or return. We will have to learn how to repair that vehicle if we want it to continue to serve us. The only other option will be to continue on foot. We cannot buy another one. We must take care of the one we have already purchased until our death or that of our spouse (Luke 16:18; Mark 10:12; Matthew 5:32 and 19:9; Romans 7:2-3; 1 Corinthians 7:10, 11).
There are those who did not do their homework to establish a good marriage. They fell in love only by sight, by emotions and feelings but not by principles. That is why very soon in married life they discover that what they thought was a Mercedes Benz turned out to be a very poor quality piece of junk. The rules are set, and even that piece of junk car should serve you for the rest of your life. Maybe you could turn it into a very efficient car with dedication and hard work. But that's the one you chose. That's what being a Christian is all about: Following Christ's principles and He was clear on these issues.
Originally published on February 01, 2018 by:
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